“Just Facts is the go-to resource I recommend to my students because it provides a wealth of primary source data. Now with Just Facts Academy, students across the world can learn how to acquire this data and vet it. These are vital skills, today more than ever.”
– Henrique Schneider, Ph.D., Professor of Economics at Nordakademie University (Germany), Chief Economist of the Swiss Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
“The skills taught by Just Facts Academy are essential for producing trustworthy, unbiased, and effective research. Furthermore, they empower independent, critical thinking about complex issues.”
– Andrew Glen, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Operations Research at the United States Military Academy, Award-Winning Researcher in the Field of Computational Probability
“The curriculum from Just Facts Academy is excellent and much-needed. The skills it teaches can correct a disturbing trend involving the misuse of data across many professions, such as journalism, and even in scientific literature. This resource is essential for students, but we can all benefit from it.”
– Rodney X. Sturdivant, Ph.D. in Biostatistics, Associate Professor and Director of the Statistical Consulting Center at Baylor University
We live in a time when truth is in short supply, “fake news” dominates, and thinly veiled partisans push their agendas by using cherry-picked data to score points and arouse emotions. But now through “Just Facts Academy,” the curtain is drawn back, and we can learn how to get to the unspun truth and examine data in a truly scientific way. Via several brief videos, any truth-seeker can learn how to “research like a genius.”
– Larry Sand, president of the California Teachers Empowerment Network